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Brain IQ

Intelligence Quotient is a measure of an individual’s reasoning capabilities based on the brain’s ability to think critically and logically to solve problems. Human intelligence can be categorised into two- fluid intelligence and crystallised intelligence. Fluid intelligence takes into account abstract reasoning while crystallised intelligence is based on intellectual skill development. A person’s IQ is based upon a variety of factors such as their genes, their parents’ IQ, their lifestyle, the parenting style they were exposed to as well as the kind of nutrition and education that they receive. Several studies have stated that IQ scores can change over time. Hence, it is possible to increase fluid intelligence by working on cognitive skills. These cognitive skills are utilised by the brain to think, learn, remember, reason and concentrate.

Key concepts are

  • Number sense (addition, subtraction, multiplication , division , counting)
  • Patterns(make predictions, reasoning skills, logical connections)
  • Representation(making mathematical concepts real through objects, pictures, symbols and words)
  • Measurement (time, length, height, width, weight etc)
  • Problem – solving (using knowledge and logical thinking to solve new problems)
  • Crossword puzzle
  • Sudoku

Brain Training can help in the development of a child’s cognitive skills thereby increasing their IQ. In addition to having a fit brain and high performance.

Learner’s Outcome

    • Faster thinking
    • Improved memory
    • Sharp mind
    • Greater self-confidence
    • Good reflexes
    • Enhanced focus and attentiveness
    • Greater learning capacity

Keeping the brain fit and healthy is as important as one’s physical health. As we get older, our cognitive performance gradually starts declining. Hence, it is important for us to perform certain exercises to keep our brains in good shape.


    • Desire to learn